Free Video Clips

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Welcome to my new free video page! Here you’ll find shots might be helpful as website backgrounds, Zoom backgrounds, for video games or anything else you can think of.

Please note: If you plan to use my shots in your videos, I recommend downloading them at the highest available resolution.

As I build this library, please feel free to share suggestions for the types of clips that would be helpful to you. πŸ™‚ My email is:

**IMPORTANT: You must properly attribute me in order to use my work legally. Please refer to my Attribution Info page (accessed from the top menu bar.)

To view the footage:

Use the embedded Vimeo player for any given category to choose and view shots.

To freely download the footage to your computer:

  1. Click on the “Vimeo” icon in the player (bottom right) to open the video in a new tab.
  2. Click on the download button in the video description on Vimeo.
  3. Choose the resolution you would like. (I recommend the highest resolution available.)

Cozy faux-fire shots with looping versions that might be nice as backgrounds for websites or could be used in video games. I shot a some using soft focus to create an impressionistic feel.

Β Sunrise shots are always nice for indicating the start of a new day and sunrises over the ocean are really spectacular. No color correction was used…that’s how it looked.

Β Some pretty sunset shots. Like he sunrise shots above, no color correction was used.

Sunbeams always create a sense of awe.

Various seashore shots. Perhaps for vacation videos, nature videos or beach-themed projects.

For some reason I seem to be attracted to shiny objects…maybe I was a crow in a previous life…lol.