SFX – Urban Ambience

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IMPORTANT: You must properly attribute me in order to use my sounds legally. Please see my homepage for attribution information.


STREET AMBIENCE (:58) – Car door closes, car starts, dry leaves skip along sidewalk, distant traffic, etc.

Audio Player

Street Ambience

STREET AMBIENCE 2 (:36) – Traffic sounds, subtle birds in background, etc.

Audio Player

Street Ambience 2

STREET AMBIENCE 3 (:24) – Dry leaves skip across sidewalk. Car honks, etc.

Audio Player

Street Ambience 3

STREET AMBIENCE 4 (1:10) – Car honks, passes on cobblestones. Crappy van goes by. More cars.

Audio Player

Street Ambience 4

STREET AMBIENCE 5 (:38) – Car passes on cobblestones. Heavier traffic in distance. People nearby.

Audio Player

Street Ambience 5

STREET AMBIENCE 6 (:45) – People eating at sidewalk cafe, dishes rustling, car passes on cobblestones, kids play at nearby park, etc.

Audio Player

Street Ambience 6


CITY PARK AMBIENCE (LOOPING) – In a small city on a nice afternoon. Shops nearby, traffic, kids playing, and a fountain. (:28)

Audio Player

City Park Ambience

CITY PARK AMBIENCE 2 (LOOPING)- A longer version. (1:11)

Audio Player

City Park Ambience 2

CITY PARK AMBIENCE 3 (LOOPING)- Very close to the fountain. (:12)

Audio Player

City Park Ambience 3