Fantasy 13


This site is 100% community-supported and ad-free. If you can, please consider making a small donation to help support my efforts. You can use PayPal or a credit card.

*Scroll down to freely download these tracks in MP3 format.*

Need some custom music for your project?

I love creating custom music and can do it very affordably. πŸ™‚ Feel free to contact me at:

HOW TO DOWNLOAD: To download any given piece of music to your computer, simply right-click on the blue text link under its player and choose β€œsave link as” or β€œsave target as” depending on your browser. Then choose the location on your system where you would like to save it.

IMPORTANT: You must properly attribute me in order to use my music legally. Please see my attribution information page (accessed from the top menu bar.)

Ogg Music Pack – Fantasy – Over 260 Tracks

You can also save yourself a ton of time and download all of my fantasy music tracks at once in higher quality Ogg format. It’s a cool way to support my efforts, too. πŸ™‚ Click the button for more information:


OF LEGENDS AND FABLES 3 – (Looping) – Intended to play under titles/menu screens. (:42) Royalty-Free.

Free MP3 download – Right click here: Β Of Legends of Fables 3