How do I download your music?
To download any given piece of music in MP3 format, simply right-click on the blue text link under its player and choose “save link as” or “save target as” depending on your browser. Then choose the location on your system where you would like to save it.
Can I alter your music?
Yes, you may alter it any way you like, but you must still attribute the original piece to me in your credits.
Can you alter your music for me?
I would be happy to customize my music for your project. Feel free to contact me at ematyas@aol.com.
What if I can’t attribute you?
You will need to contact me for a non-attribution license. They are:
$30(USD) per track for music
$5(USD) per sound effect.
$5(USD) per texture image.
$30(USD) per video clip.
Please contact me at ematyas@aol.com.
Can you score my project for me?
I would be happy to create original music for you. Contact me at ematyas@aol.com.
What license does your music fall under?
My license is exactly the same as CC by Attribution 4.0 with one restriction: The use of my work in any media that is obscene or pornographic is prohibited. Please see my “About” page for the full license.
Prohibited Uses
The use of my work in any media that is obscene or pornographic is prohibited.
How can I donate?
Buy one of my Ogg or MP3 music packs…they’re very reasonable and a cool way to support my efforts. You can access them from the top menu bar.
Feel free to email me anytime at: